Wednesday, November 1, 2006

please do me right...

Gw lagi mellow....
Harap maklum !
Pertama, lagi PMS
Kedua, cuaca mendung & sering turun hujan
Besok gw upload ah mp3nya....

'Til You Do Me Right
After 7

I was in love with you and gave my heart to you
I did my best to keep you satisfied
You took the love from me and used it selfishly
You did not give back your love to me at all

I gave the sun to you, you said it was too bright
I gave you diamond rings, you said they didn't shine
I gave my world to you but you said it's not enough
What in the world could I have done to make you be so rough

'Til you do me right
I don't even want to talk to you
I don't even want to hear you speak my name
'Til you do me right
Only wrong is gonna come to you
Nothin' good is gonna come 'til you change, change your ways
Until you change your evil ways

Girl (Boy) I was there for you, someone you could talk to
How could you just keep breakin' my heart
What did I do to you to make you be so cruel
I don't understand why you've been so wrong
I tried to be your strength, you said I was too strong
I tried to compromise so we could get along
I gave my love to you despite your evil ways
I guess it's clear to me there's only one thing left to say

There's a time when you know what you feel inside your heart
It's tellin' you that somethin' feels strange
You don't have to deny it, all you gotta do is just try it
You'll find our love grows stronger if you're willing to change


Bryan Tamara said...

cuaca mendung emang juara deh bikin suasana hati jd mellow....

Irene Barus-Henuhili said...

plus realita yg ga sesuai sama harapan

Ciput McQueen said...

mendung ga jadi ujan aja Ren, mellow... huhuhu :p

Irene Barus-Henuhili said...

kenapa yah, apakah ada daya magis dari hujan sampe2 bisa bikin most of the people jadi mellow....

dhani dezig said...


liza dwiandini said...

pms, cuaca mendung dan orang2 yang memuakan...
kombinasi yang bagus ya ren ?


Severine Yenny said...


liza dwiandini said...

*gandeng tangan irene*

hayoooo kita samperin orang2 memuakkan ituuu !!!!!!

Tina Kartahadimadja said...

itu uruph2x yag di bold maksudnyah apah?? emphasize your feeling? ;-))

Irene Barus-Henuhili said...

pms + cuaca mendung + suasana hati yg mellow = TIDUR JAM 3 PAGI aja gitu gw....

Irene Barus-Henuhili said...

i will cik yen....
malam ini hiks...

Citra Savitri said...

halah halah .. satu orang lagi dilema karena pms dan hujan .. :))

Irene Barus-Henuhili said...

minta peyuk boleh ngga cha ?

Irene Barus-Henuhili said...

*buka, ketik emphasize*
artinya apa tin, aku ndak ngerti basa enggris

Irene Barus-Henuhili said...

kira2 hari pertama M bakal turun hujan ga yah...

ting ... ilang! said...

ren .. mandi wajib dulu sono ...

liza dwiandini said...

cupcup ren...
jangan rusak mood hari ini dengan mellow dan orang2 memuakkan...
hayo nonton bokep...
halah :D

MeTTa BeLuW said...

mo gw pinjemin kolor lepek gak ren buat tempel di mukanya? kekekekekekkkk...
mari membokepppppppppppppppppp

Irene Barus-Henuhili said...

oliq : temenin mandi wajibnya, mau ngga ?
icha : yuk cha, mau yg semi atau yg hardcore ?
metta : ngga mauuuu... bau pesing kolornya.... mari kita pesta dvd bokep ajah

prisca puspita said...

hayoo girls power !!!!!

Irene Barus-Henuhili said...

hadoh.. dari tadi mau upload mp3nya kok ga bisa2 yah ? ada apa dengan MP ?

dhani dezig said...

bikin video bokep aja versi sendiriiii

prisca puspita said...

mas dezig aja dulu deh yang buat yah ....

ting ... ilang! said...

ren, upload ini nda bisa ya "Cff College Fuckfest 53.wmv" ?

Irene Barus-Henuhili said...

dhani dezig ama prisca mau bikin video bokep
*gosip mode on*

Irene Barus-Henuhili said...

duh, lu cuba aplot aja liq...
gw dr td mau aplot mp3 aja ga bisa2

hagi hagoromo said...

susi cakung?
suasana, situasi, dan cuaca mendukung?

ihik ihik ihik,
lagi PMS juga nih gw..

Irene Barus-Henuhili said...

PMS : Pengen Maen S........ gi ?

prisca puspita said...

ahh mba aja duluan deh yg buat sama mas "rusanya" itu

Irene Barus-Henuhili said...

haiyah.... masa gw maen ama rusa pris...

prisca puspita said...

ya itu loh rusa yg "hot" dan ganteng nya ihihihih

lala - said...

ini nyindir gw ya....
dalem bangeth lo...
gw bangeth buat yang ityuuu...

lala - said...

ini nyindir gw ya....
dalem bangeth lo...
gw bangeth buat yang ityuuu...

Irene Barus-Henuhili said...

ge-er loe la :p