Start: | Nov 10, '06 |
End: | Nov 18, '06 |
Location: | Goethe Institute, Gedung Kesenian Jakarta, Teater Utan Kayu |
Announcing the Jakarta International Puppetry Festival !
Jakarta International Puppetry Festival 2006 will showcase puppetry artists exploring the boundaries of puppetery as a medium of expression. Modern puppetry artists both in Asia and the West are creating challenging work and bringing new vision to tradition. The Festival will bring contemporary puppetry artists from around the world to Indonesia and present Indonesia's most innovative puppetry artists.
November 10-18 2006 at Goethe Institute, Gedung Kesenian Jakarta, and Teater Utan Kayu
Opening Night in Taman Fatahillah (in front of the Museum Wayang, Museum Sejarah and Cafe Batavia)
All performances begin at 8pm and are free of charge.
Participants include :
1. Figurentheater Wilde & Vogel, Germany
2. Poppenteater Damiet van Dalsum, Netherlands
3. Pusaka and Kumpulan Wayang Kulit Anak Baju Merah, Malaysia
4. das Papiertheater, Germany
5. Sovanna Phum, Cambodia
6. Slamet Gundono and Komunitas Wayang Suket, Central Java
7. Cudamani/Wayang Listrik, Bali
8. Wayang Kampung Sebelah, Solo
9. Boneka Panakawan, Yogyakarta
Info :
Jakarta International Puppetry Festival 2006 will showcase puppetry artists exploring the boundaries of puppetery as a medium of expression. Modern puppetry artists both in Asia and the West are creating challenging work and bringing new vision to tradition. The Festival will bring contemporary puppetry artists from around the world to Indonesia and present Indonesia's most innovative puppetry artists.
November 10-18 2006 at Goethe Institute, Gedung Kesenian Jakarta, and Teater Utan Kayu
Opening Night in Taman Fatahillah (in front of the Museum Wayang, Museum Sejarah and Cafe Batavia)
All performances begin at 8pm and are free of charge.
Participants include :
1. Figurentheater Wilde & Vogel, Germany
2. Poppenteater Damiet van Dalsum, Netherlands
3. Pusaka and Kumpulan Wayang Kulit Anak Baju Merah, Malaysia
4. das Papiertheater, Germany
5. Sovanna Phum, Cambodia
6. Slamet Gundono and Komunitas Wayang Suket, Central Java
7. Cudamani/Wayang Listrik, Bali
8. Wayang Kampung Sebelah, Solo
9. Boneka Panakawan, Yogyakarta
Info :
Nongton ah...
mnarik nih...
yuuukk.... ada yg mau ngga ?
nonton pembukaannya jumat depan di taman fatahillah, gratis
photo2... *teteup*
asik nih... updatin beritanya yaaa... keren!
gw lagi email panitia nanya soal tiketnya
ntar klo udah dibales, gw update deh di sini
pake dress code wayang, brangkat kitaa?? hihihihihiii
gw mau pake rok batik ah...
yuk ????
gue ikut... mo foto2 bawa gear lengkap... hehehe
ayo siapa aja yg mau janjian ke sini...
tanya: jadi acaranya di 3 tempat yg berbeda?
Goethe yg samratulangi kan ya?
seruw tuh... dateng ah... thx ya
hayooo pada jadi dateng ngga tadi ?
gw dateng dong.... seru lho Wayang Air-nya pas pembukaan di taman fatahillah
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